Dirty clothes - who wants 'em?
Not us. To that end, investing in a good washer and dryer is a necessity. You'll be faced with one major choice when choosing your washing machine - whether you want a top- or front-load appliance. Here's everything you need to know about these two types of machines.
Key Features
Here's how top- and front-load washers stack up against each other in a variety of categories according to DigitalTrends.com.
Ease of Access
Winner: It depends.
With top-load washers, laundry is loaded into a hatch on the top of the appliance. This makes top-load washers easier to access if you have limited mobility (unless you're in a wheelchair, in which case a front-load washer will be easier to use).
Front-load washers, on the other hand, are loaded from the front. As a result, they can be stacked on top of a dryer, allowing for more efficient use of space. As mentioned earlier, they may also be easier to use if you have short stature or mobility limitations that keep you close to the ground.
Wear and Tear on Clothes
Winner: Front-load washers.
Most top-load washers use a central agitator (a large column in the middle of the tub that has fins attached to its sides) to tumble clothes. More high-end top-load washers use an impeller, a smaller, more efficient agitator. As a result of the agitator's motion, top-load appliances tend to put more wear and tear on clothes than front-load machines.
Front-load washers use centrifugal force and gravity to tumble clothes (similar to how dryers work). Because they don't use any agitator, front-load machines are gentler on fabrics.

Winner: Top-load washers.
Top-load washers are typically cheaper than front-load washers, sometimes by as much as 50%.
Front-load washers are almost always more expensive, but they tend to have more features (in addition to longer-lasting clothing life).
Energy Efficiency
Winner: Front-Load Washers
Top-load washers tend to be less energy-efficient than front-load washers, again, sometimes by as much as 50%.
Front-loaded washers are typically more energy-efficient than hybrid or energy-efficient top-load appliances.
Which is right for you?
A top-load washer may be the right choice if you:
● Are renting or living somewhere short-term. Washing machines are notoriously difficult to transport, so if you aren't keeping it long, the affordability of a top-load washer may be appealing.
● Have mobility concerns that prevent you from bending over easily.
● Are more concerned about price than how the washer treats your clothes or how energy-efficient it is.
On the other hand, consider a front-load washer if you:
● Plan on keeping the appliance for the long term. Front-load machines are more energy-efficient, so they eventually pay for themselves with reduced utility bills.
● Have high-quality fabrics that you don't want to damage.
● Want more options or smart technology. Most smart washers are front-load.

If you are in the market for a new washer, Queen City can help. We specialize in providing our clients with appliances that perfectly fit their needs. Shop our selection of washing machines online today or visit our selection of washing machinesa location near you to browse our showrooms